Practice Areas
Contact me today for assistance in any of the following areas:
- Family Law
- Divorce & Legal Separation
- Child Custody & Visitation
- Child Support
- Spousal Support
- Property Division
- Surrogacy Agreements
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Restraining Orders
We offer a wide variety of representation options to fit your needs and budget. These options can include:
-FULL REPRESENTATION - I will be your attorney of record and will handle each part of your case from start to finish. This option is good for people who want an attorney by their side each step of the way to tackle whatever issues come up.
-LIMITED SCOPE REPRESENTATION - I will handle a certain piece or pieces of your case. This option is good for people who only need an attorney for some parts of their case but not other parts. For example, maybe you are okay with representing yourself in court but you want an attorney to prepare all the necessary paperwork (or vice versa). Or maybe you just need help responding to some discovery or having someone negotiate an agreement on your behalf.
-CONSULTING - I offer hourly consulting on your legal matter. This option is good for people who want to represent themselves, but want legal advice from an expert who can help guide them through the process.
Binns Family Law can help you determine what representation option(s) would be best for your case and your budget. Do not delay in scheduling your free 30-minute consultation!